Terms and Conditions

The EirZA Limited Website is governed by the following terms and conditions and, by accessing or using our website, you are considered to have automatically agreed to and are subsequently bound by these terms and conditions. Should you fail to agree with our terms and conditions please do not proceed to access the website.

Use and Access

The access and use of the EirZA Limited Website is strictly for lawful purposes. You are forbidden to use the our website in any way that infringes upon the rights of any other party nor to restrict or inhibit the use of our website. You may not use our website for any other purposes other than for which it is intended.

Through the use and access of the EirZA Limited Website, you shall agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless EirZA Limited and all of its Directors, employees or agents, from any claims, actions or damages that may arise from the unlawful use of our website.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

All content or materials contained on the EirZA Limited Website is the property of EirZA Limited. This content includes, but is not limited to, images, text and graphics. It is strictly forbidden to use, distribute, copy or reproduce any of our website content without the strict, written permission of EirZA Limited. Refer to the EirZA Copyright.



EirZA Limited strives to ensure that all information presented on our website is up-to-date and accurate. Although our website is periodically maintained and updated, we cannot guarantee its accuracy nor completeness. EirZA Limited shall not be held liable for any errors or omissions in the information presented or provided through our website.


Limitations of Liability

EirZA Limited shall not, in any event, be liable for any damages that may arise from, or in connection with the use of our website, be it direct, indirect or through any other means. EirZA Limited makes no representations nor warranties of any kind, implied or explicit, reliability nor suitability of any information presented, products represented, or services suggested through our website.



EirZA Limited holds the security and privacy of our clients in the highest regard. We respect the right to privacy of all our clients. EirZA Limited has strived to adhere to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) guidelines. Client or project-specific names and locations are deliberately withheld and have been replaced with generic locations and project names where necessary. EirZA Limited shall not disclose private information.


Linked Websites

The EirZA Limited Website contains links to subsequent websites to which EirZA Limited has no control. Such websites may be operated or controlled by other third-party organisations with independent terms and conditions. Any link provided is for information only. EirZA Limited shall not be held liable for any content, services, policies or practices listed on any other websites. Should you have any concerns regarding linked websites please contact the owners of that website directly.

Governing Law

EirZA Limited is incorporated in The Republic of Ireland under the Companies Act of 2014 (Registration Number 757334). The website terms of use shall be considered in accordance with the laws of Ireland.



From time-to-time EirZA Limited may review or revise, without notice or warning, these terms and conditions. You agree to accept these changes whether or not they have been reviewed.

Should you have any queries regarding our website or content please contact us.