We provide as-built drawings of existing properties that are being prepared for design work, building alterations or additions. Our as-built drawings are used frequently by real estate agents or auctioneers to assist in the marketing and sale of property. It is becoming commonplace for reputable sales agents to include the actual floor plans of buildings in their sales advertisements.

We use a variety of measuring techniques depending on the type of property, its location and access.

Plan drawing of a dwelling site showing how motion based measuring devices produce an AutoCAD base layout immediately without further measuring.
Three dimensional drawing showing the extent of a dwelling site as well as the elevation gradient change across the extent of the site. s
This image is a site contours layout drawing that is produced automatically from the motion based measuring device. Contours are traced from low to high level allowing accurate cut-and-fill calculations to be made.
Architectural plan drawing rendered in zones or rooms. This layout is of a single story bungalow in Waterville County Kerry.
Architectural drawing of the East Elevation of a bungalow dwelling in Waterville County Kerry.
Architectural drawing of the north elevation of a single story bungalow dwelling in rural Ireland.
Architectural drawing of the south elevation of a bungalow located in County Kerry Ireland.
Architectural AutoCAD drawing showing the west elevation of a single level bungalow house located in Kerry.
Architectural aerial drone photograph of a dwelling in Waterville County Kerry.