Data Protection Policy

The EirZA Limited Website is maintained by EirZA Limited directly. Through the access and use of our website, certain data may be collected. This data may be of a personal nature and may relate to an identified or identifiable individual.

Specific data collected is limited but may include an individual’s name, property address, contact telephone number and email contact address. This information is gathered through our contact forms accessed through our website. Age profile data is not collected and EirZA Limited does not knowingly collect data of minors.

Anonymous data collected relates to the usage of the site, referred to as “cookies”. Cookies do not contain personal information and are related to the performance of, or analysis of, the website technical functioning. This data is required to allow the website to function optimally.

Any personal information gathered is stored on the EirZA Limited, cloud-based, Microsoft servers and accessed by Company Directors only. No data is stored locally on computer hard drives. This maintains the highest level of security and confidentiality possible.  

All data collected is for genuine and legitimate business interests or to help improve the functioning of our website.

You are under no statutory or contractual obligation to provide personal data to EirZA Limited.

Personal data shall never be processed forward unless EirZA Limited is legally bound to do so.

Should you have any queries regarding the EirZA data provision policy please contact us.